【同义词辨析】 2018-05-02 疯狂insane-mad

insane: implies that one is unable to function safely and competently in everyday life, and is not responsible for one's actions: adjudged ~ after a period of observation. (adjudge宣判: He was adjudged guilty.他被判有罪)

mad: strongly suggests wildness, rabidness, ravings, or complete loss of control: drove her husband ~ with jealousy.

crazy: suggests such mental breakdown as comes from old age or may suggest a distraught or wild state of mind induced by intense emotion: ~ with grief; when applied to a scheme, project, or notion, it usually suggests the product of a disordered mind: got those ~ ideas into her head. (distraught心烦意乱)

crazed: often used instead of crazy, implies the existence of temporary disorder,usually with a specific cause: stampeding cattle ~ with fear. (stampede: 奔逃踩踏)

demented: suggests mental unsoundness that manifests itself by apathy, incoherence in thought, speech or action: years of solitary confinement had left him ~.

deranged: stresses a clear loss of mental balance or order resulting in functional disorder: assassinated by a ~ anarchist.

lunatic: may be the equivalent of insane, or may imply no more than extreme folly:invested in one ~ scheme after another.

maniac: is close to mad, and often suggests violence, fury or raving: once behind the wheel, she turns into a ~ driver.

insane: 无法安全正常生活,无法为自己负责,mad: 强烈指示野狂失控,crazy: 精神崩溃情绪狂野,形容想法计划时表示病态头脑的产物,crazed: 和crazy互换, 表示暂时的失常,常带有原因,demented: 精神不健康冷漠思维不连贯,deranged: 精神明显失衡无序,导致功能异常,lunatic: 和insane同义,或者仅表示极端愚蠢,m: 和mad相似,表示暴力狂野

记忆方法: 1)IL CMDCMD写成IL2 CMD病态命令<==疯狂失控

        2) 疯狂的意思是精神不健康不能理性思考mean having or showing an unsound mind or being unable to control one's rational processes.